SweetHoney Dessert - Colma City
4.8 x (2,000+) • Desserts • Family Friendly • Only available here • Group Friendly • $ • Info
x Available at 2:00 PM
15 Colma Blvd, CA 94014
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to see delivery time
2:00 PM - 11:30 PM
3:00 PM - 10:30 PM
2:00 PM - 11:30 PM
Featured items
Mango Lovers Series M. 芒果系列
Snacks 小吃
Herbal Grass Jelly Series(W) W. 燒仙草
Sweet Honey Classic Series K. 經典系列
Ice Cream & Vanilla Frost 冰淇淋和香草
Purple Lover Series(Y) Y. 紫薯系列
Rice Balls Series R. 湯圓系列
Durian Lovers Series D. 榴蓮系列
Tofu Pudding Series T. 豆腐花系列
Fruit 水果系列
Purple Rice Series E. 紫米粥系列
Sago Series S. 西米系列
Coconut Jelly Series(Q) Q. 椰青系列
Refreshing Drinks B. 飲品系列
Grass Jelly Series G. 涼粉系列
Sea Salt Cream Series J. 奶蓋系列
Traditional Chinese Dessert C. 中式糖水系列
Healthy Stewed Desserts H. 健康燉品系列
Summer~Refreshing Drinks 夏日~清凉饮品
Peach Gum Series P. 桃膠系列
Special Desserts L. 精緻糕點系列
Fresh Fruit Tea Series A. 水果茶系列
extra topping 小料
What is the address of SweetHoney Dessert - Colma City in Colma?
SweetHoney Dessert - Colma City is located at: 15 Colma Blvd , Colma
Is the menu for SweetHoney Dessert - Colma City available online?
Yes, you can access the menu for SweetHoney Dessert - Colma City online on Postmates. Follow the link to see the full menu available for delivery and pickup.
What are the most popular items on the SweetHoney Dessert - Colma City menu?
The most ordered items from SweetHoney Dessert - Colma City are: House Chicken Wings 秘製雞翼, M2 Mango Pomelo Sago 楊枝甘露, Takoyaki 章魚小丸子.
Does SweetHoney Dessert - Colma City offer delivery in Colma?
Yes, SweetHoney Dessert - Colma City offers delivery in Colma via Postmates. Enter your delivery address to see if you are within the SweetHoney Dessert - Colma City delivery radius, then place your order.
Can I get free delivery from SweetHoney Dessert - Colma City?
Delivery fees for SweetHoney Dessert - Colma City vary. Just enter your delivery address to see the delivery fee for your location. You could always get free delivery from SweetHoney Dessert - Colma City with Postmates Unlimited.
Can I pick up my order from SweetHoney Dessert - Colma City?
Postmates offers pickup from many restaurants in your city. To see if you can pick up your order from SweetHoney Dessert - Colma City, add items to your cart and look for the ‘pickup’ option at checkout.
Can I schedule a delivery order from SweetHoney Dessert - Colma City?
Some restaurants on Postmates allow you to schedule a delivery to show up at your location when you want it. At checkout, look for the option to select a delivery time. If it’s there, that means you can schedule your delivery from SweetHoney Dessert - Colma City.